White Sands - Modules - TypesVar Details - Proc Details

Overmap objects

Everything visible on the overmap: stations, ships, ruins, events, and more.

This base class should be the parent of all objects present on the overmap. For the control counterparts, see /obj/machinery/computer/helm. For the shuttle counterparts (ONLY USED FOR SHIPS), see /obj/docking_port/mobile.


close_overmap_objectsList of other overmap objects in the same tile
idID, literally the most important thing
integrityIntegrity percentage, do NOT modify. Use [/obj/structure/overmap/proc/receive_damage] instead.
overmap_armorArmor value, reduces integrity damage taken
render_mapIf we need to render a map for cameras and helms for this object basically can you look at and use this as a ship or station
sensor_rangeThe range of the view shown to helms and viewscreens (subject to be relegated to something else)


CrossedWhen something crosses another overmap object, add it to the nearby objects list, which are used by events and docking
MoveDone to ensure the connected helms are updated appropriately
UncrossedSee /obj/structure/overmap/Crossed
recieve_damageReduces overmap object integrity by X amount, divided by armor
update_screenUpdates the screen object, which is displayed on all connected helms

Var Details


List of other overmap objects in the same tile


ID, literally the most important thing


Integrity percentage, do NOT modify. Use [/obj/structure/overmap/proc/receive_damage] instead.


Armor value, reduces integrity damage taken


If we need to render a map for cameras and helms for this object basically can you look at and use this as a ship or station


The range of the view shown to helms and viewscreens (subject to be relegated to something else)

Proc Details


When something crosses another overmap object, add it to the nearby objects list, which are used by events and docking


Done to ensure the connected helms are updated appropriately


See /obj/structure/overmap/Crossed


Reduces overmap object integrity by X amount, divided by armor


Updates the screen object, which is displayed on all connected helms