White Sands - Modules - TypesProc Details

Roulette Table

Machine that lets you play roulette. Odds are pre-defined to be the same as European Roulette without the "En Prison" rule


attackbyHandles setting ownership and the betting itself.
check_bartender_fundsReturns TRUE if the owner has enough funds to payout
check_winReturns TRUE if the player bet correctly.
dispense_prizeFills a list of coins that should be dropped.
drop_coinRecursive function that runs until it runs out of coins to drop.
finish_playRan after a while to check if the player won or not.
playProc called when player is going to try and play
prize_theftFills a list of coins that should be dropped.

Proc Details


Handles setting ownership and the betting itself.


Returns TRUE if the owner has enough funds to payout


Returns TRUE if the player bet correctly.


Fills a list of coins that should be dropped.


Recursive function that runs until it runs out of coins to drop.


Ran after a while to check if the player won or not.


Proc called when player is going to try and play


Fills a list of coins that should be dropped.